Hi, I’m Crys Brown

M.A Registered Psychologist

I offer Formal Assessment for Autism, ADHD, and Personality DisorderS as well as General Assessment for other conditions.

I provide assessments specifically designed to meet the needs of adults, with special attention paid to meeting the needs of women, gender and sexual minorities, and other groups that are often misdiagnosed and can be overlooked in assessments. I strive to write reports that use affirming and respectful language.


I also provide consultation, training , and supervision for psychologists around clinical work, including OCD, anxiety disorders, and general assessment. Please note: I am not currently accepting clients for individual therapy.

Assessment Services

  • General Assessment

    General Assessment is how psychologists diagnose most conditions including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, OCD, PTSD, and most other diagnoses. It’s like a very detailed version of what a psychiatrist would do, except without the medication.

    These assessments involve us meeting for three hours, during which I will ask you a lot of questions and may provide some measures for you to fill out.

    The cost for these assessments is $1000.00

    At the end of the assessment I will provide a 1-2 page letter that outlines your diagnosis or diagnoses, if any, and some recommendations for next steps that can include resources, therapy suggestions, or other things I think might be helpful. Because these assessments are not nearly as comprehensive as formal assessments, there might be some conditions that need more exploration at the end, and those will also be listed.

    These assessments are also helpful because if you would benefit from a formal assessment, we’ll have a pretty good idea of whether that’s a good use of your time and money by the end.

    The clinicians that work with me can also provide general assessment services as part of your therapy. The difference is that it’s usually booked as a normal therapy session, so it can take longer to finish, and there is no letter provided.

  • Formal Assessment

    Formal Assessment is needed to ethically diagnose Autism, ADHD, and Personality Disorders, and they might also be needed if someone has an extremely complicated set of symptoms that can’t be figured out in the time we usually have for general assessment.

    These assessments involve meeting for at least 5 hours, the administration of measures and surveys, and the use of psychological tests. I will also talk to and/or send measures to collect information from 1-2 people who know you well.

    The cost for these assessments usually ranges from $3000.00 to $5000.00 dollars, with most landing somewhere around the $4500.00 mark, though some kinds of assessments can be more affordable than this, such as assessments where ADHD is the only condition we are exploring. I like to meet with people for a first meeting that allows me to provide a plan for our assessment work together to make sure that the measures and tests I choose are likely to be helpful.

    At the end of the assessment you get a detailed report that outlines all of your results, diagnosis or diagnoses if any, and recommendations that can include resources, therapy suggestions, or other things I think might be helpful.

    I have hired a supervisor to oversee my work in this area. Though it’s not required for me to have supervision because I’m a fully Registered Psychologist, I am nothing if not rigorous, so you get two heads for the price of one. I will explain in detail how my supervisor will or will not be involved in your assessment.

I offer in person sessions in Downtown Edmonton or online sessions to clients across Alberta.

Therapy sessions with me cost 250.00 per 50 minute hour. Assessments are priced depending on the services needed.

I am proud to have provided $65,845.00 of donated time through sliding scale (reduced) fees to community members who otherwise could not afford my services as of July 2023. I offer a certain amount of sliding scale service at all times, and if you are not able to afford my full fee you can feel free to ask if any of these spots are available - if they are not I am happy to try to connect you to more affordable services.

My University Education

(The degrees)


I received my undergraduate Degree from the University of Alberta where I graduated with distinction with a double major in Sociology and Psychology. I received my Master’s Degree from McGill University


My Advanced Clinical Training

(The Training that happens after University)

  • Exposure and Response Prevention (Ex/RP) at the University of Pennsylvania with the Original OCD bosses and writers of the ERP protocol Foa and Yadin

  • Foundations of Exposure course for anxiety disorders through Behavioral Tech

  • Foundations of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, also offered through Behavioral Tech, which was founded by Marsha Linehan herself

  • Prolonged Exposure training with Elna Yadin of University of Pennsylvania

  • EMDR levels 1&2 with Roy Kiessling

  • Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Jeff Riggenbach

  • Practicing via Telemental Health (Person-Centered Tech)

  • Schema Therapy Training level 1

  • Foundations of Clinical Supervision (Jeff Chang via PAA)

  • CBT for insomnia certification - Dr Gregg Jacobs’ program

Assessment Training:

  • Introduction to the MMPI-3 - 7 hours Pearson Clinical

  • MIGDAS administration workshop - Marilyn Monteiro

  • ADOS training - Sunfield Institute

Things I don’t do

(Nobody good will claim to do everything!)


I do not work with children, families, couples, somatoform disorders, forensic concerns, or chronic pain. If one of these is what you need help with I am happy to provide referrals to trusted professionals in my network!

Work With Crys or another therapist at Brown Psychological Services